Rooster was introduced in early 2004 and discontinued approximately 2009.
This was an HLC outlet exclusive.
Applied to White Fiesta® this decal can be found on the following shapes: dinner plate (#0466), salad plate (#0464), medium bowl (#0461), mini disk pitcher (#0475), ring handled mug (#0453), range top salt & pepper shakers (#0756), spoon rest (#0439), sugar caddy (#0479), tumbler (0446), and utensil crock (#0447).
The spoon rest is not pictured.
There are some color variances in the rooster decal as illustrated on either side.
Colors in this decal are: Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow.
The illustration to the left is a picture of this pattern displayed at HLC’s retail outlet store. You can barely see the spoon rest behind the mini disk.