Orange Cat Face Orange Cat Face – Pattern No. 5217(?)Introduced in 2003 as an exclusive to website.It was produced on Black Fiesta® with a Persimmon colored cat face.We believe it was produced for a very short period of time. It can be found on the following pieces; luncheon plate (0465) and ring handle mug (0453).Fiestawarefiesta’s web site was actually owned and operated by Dinnerware Depot, Inc.So some of you who own this design may have bought it from any of their numerous websites.You will hear collectors refer to this design as the “football” eyed black cat. Collectors get the Betty CrockerTM Black Cat (left) & Orange Cat Face (right) mixed up.In the picture, are the two side by side.Thank you to Cheryl Bishop & LaVerna Hartman for the useof their photos..