Tapered Candlestick a.k.a. Millennium Candlestick - No longer in production

Tapered Candlestick a.k.a Millennium Candlestick – No longer in production
Measures 3-3/8″ diameter x 6-1/4″ height
Item Number: 0430
Backstamp Style: Embossed
Introduced late1999 or early 2000
Discontinued 2001

Produced in the following colors – White, Rose, Cobalt Blue, Yellow, Turquoise, Periwinkle Blue, Sea Mist Green, Persimmon, Chartreuse, Pearl Gray, Juniper, Cinnabar, Sunflower.

It was NOT produced in the following colors – Black, Apricot, Lilac, Sapphire, Plum and all colors produced after Plum.

  • The tapered candlesticks were designed as an exclusive for Bloomingdale’s. They were to be offered in ten different colors and limited to 1000 sets in each color. Even though these were supposed to be exclusive to Bloomingdale’s, after a period of time, HLC decided to release the candlesticks to general retailers and added the additional colors of Juniper, Cinnabar, and Sunflower to the color lineup.
  • Plum tapered candlesticks are rumored to exist.
  • Sunflower was produced in limited quantity as the tapered candlesticks were discontinued at the same time that Sunflower was being released.
  • The illustration to the right shows a set of Black tapered candlesticks. This is the only set that I have seen or heard of in the 25 plus years that I’ve dealt in Fiesta®.  These sold at Strawser Auctions in November 2018 for $375.00 + buyers premium. 
  • This is the only Fiesta® piece made in celebration of the Millennium that carries the symbol “Y2K”.
  • It was discussed on one of the online message boards, that tapered candlesticks produced after the year 2000 did not have the “Y2K” on the base. This is “Fake News”. All the tapered candlesticks have the ‘Y2K” mark.
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