2 Piece Dip Set - No longer in production

2 Piece Dip Set – No longer in production
Set Item Number: 1436
Introduced 2014
Discontinued 2020 / 2024*

This 2 piece dip set consists of the following pieces:
Ramekin (Item Number: 0568)
7” Spreader (Item Number: Researching)

You can find more information about the ramekin on its specific page.

Produced ONLY in the following colors Turquoise, Sunflower, Scarlet, Lemongrass, Lapis

  • The spreader has a matching colored, plastic handle.
  • As the box in this illustration shows, when this set was introduced, it was available “only @ Kohl’s.”
  • In 2015, the sets were available to all general retailers.
  • FTC was still selling these sets still in 2024.  It was explained to me that they were selling off existing stock.  They still had all five colors available as of August 2024. 


  • This illustration shows the backstamp of the spreader.
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