Relish / Utility Tray - No longer in production

Relish / Utility Tray – No longer in production 
Measures – 9-1/2″ long x 3-5/8″ wide x 1″ height
Item Number: 0499
Backstamp Style: Embossed
Introduced 1995
Discontinued 2011- to all general retailers. Colors produced after 2011 were exclusive to HLC retail outlet stores.
Discontinued 2017

Produced in the following colors – White, Black, Rose, Apricot, Cobalt Blue, Yellow, Turquoise, Periwinkle Blue, Sea Mist Green, Lilac, Persimmon, Chartreuse, Pearl Gray, Juniper, Cinnabar, Sunflower, Plum, Shamrock, Tangerine, Scarlet, Peacock, Heather, Evergreen, Ivory, Lemongrass, Paprika, Marigold, Lapis, Poppy, Slate, Sage, Claret.

It was NOT produced in the following colors – Sapphire, Chocolate, Flamingo, Foundry, Daffodil and all colors produced after Daffodil.

  • Sapphire is known to exist.
  • Collectors refer to this tray as the “corn on the cob tray”.
  • In 2016 HLC produced a limited run of trays. They produced, Turquoise, Sunflower Scarlet and added Lapis, Poppy, Slate, Sage, and Claret which had not been produced before. They were sold through HLC’s retail stores only.
  • The illustration on the right shows a Post 86 tray (bottom) and two Vintage utility trays (middle and top). The top tray is the original version (1936-1938) which has straighter sides than the redesigned version (middle) which is slanted.

Vintage – measures 10-7/16″ long x 1-3/16″ height

  • The illustration to the left shows the underside of the Vintage trays. The original version (top) 1936-1938 has a dry foot (unglazed).
  • The redesigned version (bottom) has a wet foot (glazed).

Thank you to Donna and Bob Daniels for allowing me to visit their home and photo these pieces.

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